It's Not A Small World Afterall

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This is a cool little gizmo. Gadget. Gidget. Thingee-magig. Powerful devil-magic. Whathaveyou.

It'll tell you how much of the world you've seen (and by seen, they don't mean places you've seen on TV, but places you have wtinessed with your own two eyes). Behold: Visited Countries.

Apparently I've only seen 2% of the world. That makes me sad. I would like to have seen at least 50% before I die. I am making that my new goal. I figure, if I hit Europe and Africa, I'll be in good shape.

1 Responses to “It's Not A Small World Afterall”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, I have looked over alot of your posts, and I am pretty darn sure that you are my long lost(since last summer anyway) friend Kyle. The one who used to live in TR and roast wieners to get us through grade it you? If it is, I'd love to hear from you... I have my own blog if you want to check it out. It's not near as in depth as yours, but has lots of news on our new little family:) If this is not my friend Kyle, I apologize for intruding on your blog:)

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