The Beginning of Something Beautiful...

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Well, I did it. I went with the multitude of finatics and gave in and got me one these nifty things cursedly named "Blogs". Spicy.

I swore I would never do it. Then again, I swore I'd never own a cell phone. And now look at me. And when I was 12 I swore I'd never listen to 'non-Christian' music. Bah. I'm sure somewhere along the line I probably swore I'd never smoke cigars. Well. Too bad. I gave in. To everything. I'm weak.

But really, there is a point to all this. No, I am not doing this for fame. No, I am not doing this for wealth. No, I am not doing this for the ladies. Well, ok, maybe for the ladies. No, no. I...must...stay...strong. Must...not...give in.

I'm doing this for me. Plain and simple, cut-and-dry, 100% Alberta Beef. Whatever that means. I love to put what's in my head onto paper, but since I have such a hard time being consistent with the real-deal, I'm going to try and see how the ol' e-paper works. Fingers crossed.

I am not expecting this "blog" (I have to come up with a better name for this thing. Maybe I'll call it "Betty".) to be read much. Maybe someone will stumble onto it. But for now, I just want to write about what's in my head, about what I'm reading, about what I'm listening to, about what I just watched, or about my world domination plans (The wheels are spinning, ladies and gents. They are spinning.).

If you are someone, thanks for reading. If you are me, well, well-done Kyle. Well done.

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